Harvesting Chlorella Vulgaris by natural increase in pH - A new aspect of culture in wastewater medium

Nguyen Thi Dong Phuong
Từ khóa:
pH-induced flocculation
natural flocculation
treatment of wastewater by microalgae
Tóm tắt
The harvesting of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris 211-19 is investigated by slow and natural increase in pH (natural flocculation). Effects of medium composition on harvesting are particularly investigated. Experiments are carried out in two media differing in nitrogen nutrients:a Sueoka based medium with ammonium (NH4+) and a BBM based medium with nitrate added to the wastewater medium. It is found that one of these two media allows natural flocculation more easily. It is because natural flocculation in the waste water medium requires much higher Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations to generate cell aggregates than artificial increase in pH by soda addition(for example [Ca2+]natural=136 mg/L (3,4 mM) whereas [Ca2+]artificial=34 mg/L (0,85 mM)). Harvested microalgae cells have been pre-concentrated up to 19 gDM/L (DM: Dry Matter) by calcium phosphates increase and up to 33 gDM/L by magnesium compound increase.
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Đã Xuất bản
Dec 31, 2014
Cách trích dẫn
Nguyen Thi Dong Phuong. “Harvesting Chlorella Vulgaris by Natural Increase in PH - A New Aspect of Culture in Wastewater Medium”. Tạp Chí Khoa học Và Công nghệ - Đại học Đà Nẵng, vol 12, số p.h 85.1, Tháng Chạp 2014, tr 66-70, https://jst-ud.vn/jst-ud/article/view/1870.