Influences of innovative climate and autonomy on employees’ creativity: The moderating effects of psychological capital and job complexity

Le Thi Thanh TrangUniversity of Finance and Marketing, VietnamTran Thi Tuyet MaiUniversity of Finance and Marketing, VietnamTran The NamUniversity of Finance and Marketing, VietnamBui Thi NhiUniversity of Finance and Marketing, VietnamPham Thi Tuyet NhungUniversity of Finance and Marketing, Vietnam
Từ khóa:
Tóm tắt
Employees’ creativity is an important factor which contributes to increase competitive advantages of companies in the era of global competition. The influences of innovation climate and autonomy on employees’ creativity were investigated in this research. Moreover, authors also examined the moderating effects of two factors: “Psychological capital” and “job complexity” on the relationship in the research model. Mixed method was used in this research with data collected from staff in Hochiminh city. Innovation climate and autonomy have positive impacts on employees’ creativity. In theory, this research contributes to strengthen the judgments about the impacts of organizational environment on creative behaviors of staff. In practice, enterprises should build a creative atmosphere and provide more autonomy so that employees can have more creative behaviors at work.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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