A Method for Fast Synchronization of Chaotic Systems and Its Application to Chaos-based Secure Communication

Tho Nguyen VanThe University of Danang - VN-UK Institute for Research and Executive EducationNgoc Do Thanh BaoDuy Tan UniversityNinh Mai Thi AnDuy Tan UniversityRin Nguyen VyFPT UniversityDung Le DinhThe University of Danang - VN-UK Institute for Research and Executive Education
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Tóm tắt
Chaos theory is one of the fields of research that has many practical applications. An important application of chaos in communication is that it can be used for secure communication. To be able to use the chaotic signal in communication, we need to synchronize the chaotic signal between the receiver and the transmitter. In this paper, a sliding mode controller is proposed for global synchronization between two chaotic systems. The interesting point of this controller is that it can help reduce the synchronization time based on the selection of the appropriate gain parameter. This method has also been applied to a secure communication system with chaos masking. Finally, numerical simulations are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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