Research on customer experience and customer loyalty in e-retailing

Ngo Thi Khue ThuThe University of Danang - University of Economics, Danang, VietnamHuynh Thi Ngoc QuyenThe University of Danang - University of Economics, Danang, VietnamNguyen Thanh HoaiThe University of Danang - Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology, Danang, Vietnam
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Tóm tắt
The customer experience has an impact on the business’s revenue and profit, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and the growth of the e-retail industry in Vietnam. Therefore, retailing businesses need to know how to manage a positive customer experience. The research objectives are to systematize the rationale related to customer experience, customer experience prefixes and suffixes, and their relationship in the Vietnamese e-retailing context. The quantitative research surveyed over 300 customers and analyzed data with the PLS-SEM method. The research findings show that customer experience affects customer satisfaction and loyalty, and the factors affecting customer experience include web usability, flow state, customer services, products, and customization. However, factors such as security, e-word-of-mouth, and economic value do not affect the customer experience in the context of Vietnam. The research proposes that technology companies, retailers, and managers focus on creating positive customer experiences through customer service, flow state, web usability, customization, and product.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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