Amorphous plasma sprayed coating

Duong VuSchool of Engineering Technology, Duy Tan University, Danang, Vietnam
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Tóm tắt
The plasma spraying method has wide application in many industries, including the automotive industry, due to its diversity and efficiency. The interest in this technology is increasing as it is possible to replace expensive materials with iron-based alloys and use air instead of inert gas to activate plasma. There are a number of works that have emphasized the importance of properly selected spray parameters, but they used the plasma generation gas, which is an expensive inert gas such as argon, heli, or their gas mixture with a different ratio. The objective of this paper is to study the influence of the most specific parameters that affect the quality of the wear-resistant spray layer using Fe-based powder sprayed onto the steel substrate material. The experiment design with the ANOVA analysis helped to find out the nature of the elevation of the wear resistance under the influence of the particle velocity and the related technological parameters in the process. The research results provide an experimental formula that combines the main spray parameters with the evaluation of wear resistance in relation to the traditional material group.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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