The impact of csr practice on employee engagement and intention to stay in the hotel industry: An ordered logit model approach

Pham T. H. DungDuy Tan University, VietnamHoang Thanh HienDuy Tan University, VietnamNguyen Phi SonDuy Tan University, Vietnam
Từ khóa:
Tóm tắt
This study examines the impact of CSR practices on employee work engagement and intention to stay in the hotel industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. It draws on Social Exchange Theory and Stakeholder Theory to analyze the effects of CSR on employee outcomes. The empirical analysis utilizes an ordered logit model and Likert scale data collected from hotel workers. The findings contribute to understanding the role of CSR in attracting and retaining talented employees and building sustainable tourism economies. By employing the ordered logit model, this study provides a robust statistical approach to uncover the relationships between variables. The findings have implications for hotel industry practitioners and policymakers in promoting CSR practices and improving employee engagement and retention.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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