AC-MLP: Axial Convolution-MLP Mixer for nuclei segmentation in histopathological images
Nguyen Thanh ThuSchool of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, VietnamDinh Binh DuongSchool of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, VietnamTran Thi ThaoĐại học Bách khoa Hà NộiPham Van TruongSchool of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
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Tóm tắt
Recent MLP-Mixer has a good ability to handle long-range dependencies, however, to have a good performance, one requires huge data and expensive infrastructures for the pre-training process. In this study, we proposed a novel model for nuclei image segmentation namely Axial Convolutional-MLP Mixer, by replacing the token mixer of MLP-Mixer with a new operator, Axial Convolutional Token Mix. Specifically, in the Axial Convolutional Token Mix, we inherited the idea of axial depthwise convolution to create a flexible receptive field. We also proposed a Long-range Attention module that uses dilated convolution to extend the convolutional kernel size, thereby addressing the issue of long-range dependencies. Experiments demonstrate that our model can achieve high results on small medical datasets, with Dice scores of 90.20% on the GlaS dataset, 80.43% on the MoNuSeg dataset, and without pre-training. The code will be available at
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