Design of adaptive controller to improve stability for electric vehicles
Le Dinh HieuSchool of Engineering and Technoloy - Hue University, Vietnam
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Tóm tắt
Currently, with outstanding advances in automated driving technology, modern vehicles with a variety of electronic control systems help improve traffic safety. One is the electronic stability adaptive control system that ensures the electric vehicle stays on track even in unpredictable situations such as driving on slippery roads, sudden movements, and changing direction of driving on the highway. The article focuses on developing an adaptive electronic stability controller for electric cars modelled on software Matlab-Simulink. Design a vehicle stability controller within the scope of surveying the slippage of four tyres in the stability limit ellipse corresponding to the driving angle when using a fuzzy adaptive electronic stability controller (Fuzzy-ESC) compared to compared with the electronic stability control swarm optimization controller (PSO-ESP), it minimizes skids and vehicle rollovers during obstacle avoidance, lane changing, corner entry/exit and sudden acceleration.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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