Analysis of the dynamic impact factor of Song Phan bridge under random loads collected from the Dau Giay weighing station and road management Area IV

Xuan Toan NguyenThe University of Danang - University of Science and Technology, VietnamCong Thuat DangThe University of Danang - University of Science and Technology, VietnamThi Kim Loan NguyenThe University of Danang - University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
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Tóm tắt
This paper investigates the Dynamic Impact Factor (DIF) of vertical displacement in a three-span girder bridge with a continuous thermal deck subjected to random vehicle loads. Actual vehicle load data collected from the Dau Giay weighing station and Road Management Area IV were utilized in the analysis. The study employed the non-parametric density estimation method to generate random data sets based on the probability density function of the collected vehicle loads. A total of 10000 simulations were conducted, applying the analysis to the Song Phan Bridge on the Phan Thiet - Dau Giay highway in Vietnam. The research findings indicate that the probability distribution of the random variables is highly complex. Furthermore, the Dynamic Impact Factor corresponding to the overload loads from Road Management Area IV tends to increase and exceeds the dynamic coefficients currently utilized in bridge design standards, according to AASHTO and TCVN 11823-13:2017.
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