Evaluation of factors affecting the compressive strength of geopolymer concrete using sea sand and seawater

Le Thang VUONGThe University of Danang - University of Science and Technology, VietnamHoai Chinh TRUONGThe University of Danang - University of Science and Technology, VietnamTrong Hieu TRANThe University of Danang - University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
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Tóm tắt
This study comprehensively analyzes the impact of temperature and curing time on the compressive strength of geopolymer concrete made with locally sourced sea sand and seawater. The research aims to utilize abundant regional materials while reducing the environmental footprint associated with traditional construction practices. By conducting systematic experiments at elevated temperatures of 90°C and 120°C over varying durations, the study evaluates the critical factors influencing the mechanical performance of geopolymer concrete. The results reveal that optimizing curing temperature and time significantly enhances the compressive strength and durability of the material. This breakthrough presents promising opportunities for its broader application in eco-friendly and sustainable construction, particularly in coastal and marine environments.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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