In-vitro antibacterial activity of the fractions from Cleistocalyx operculatus (Roxb.) Merr. et Perry against Staphylococcus aureus

Van Ngo Thai BichThe University of Danang - University of Science and Technology, Danang, VietnamThao Dao Thi Thu17SH, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, The University of Danang - University of Science and Technology, VietnamThanh Hoa TranThe University of Danang - VN-UK Institute for Research and Executive Education, VietnamPhu Tran Vinh PhuFaculty of Medicine, Dong A University, Danang, Vietnam
Từ khóa:
Tóm tắt
The prevalence of Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus in infectious diseases is increasing in Vietnam for recent years. Therefore, novel class of antibiotic or active compounds is indispensable to treat this common worldwide pathogen. In the present study, we investigated the antibacterial activities of Cleistocalyx operculatus (Roxb.) Merr. et Perry leaves collected in Quang Nam. The results showed that ethanolic crude extract and three fractions partitioned in different polar solvents suppressed Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538. The ethyl acetate and n-hexan fractions exhibited a significant inhibitory effect, with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) values of 0.1 mg/ml and 0.2 mg/ml, respectively. And flavonoids was possibly the active substances responsible for the antimicrobial activity of this medical plant. These initial findings are the premise of further studies for the treatment of infection. It also provides the scientific evidences for the traditional utilization of Cleistocalyx operculatus (Roxb.) Merr. et Perry leaves.
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