Factors influencing Vietnamese students' decision to study in South Korea

Pham Quang TinThe University of Danang - University of Economics, VietnamLe Thi Phuong LoanThe University of Danang - University of Foreign Language Studies, VietnamVo Thi GiangThe University of Danang - University of Foreign Language Studies, Vietnam
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Tóm tắt
Vietnamese students have been encouraged to choose South Korea as their study abroad destination as a result of the rising popularity of Korean culture, technology, and science in Vietnam over the years. This study uses primary survey data from 161 Vietnamese studying in South Korea, according to the 5-level Lirket scale, along with quantitative analysis techniques such as scale testing, exploratory factor analysis, and regression analysis. The analysis’ findings indicate that there are seven aspects, including the training program, personal growth, language, career prospects, support, immigration prospects and cultural factor that influence Vietnamese students’ decisions to study abroad in South Korea. In order to develop reasonable policies to entice Vietnamese students to study in South Korea, Korean training institutes and organizations that promote Korean education abroad can use the research results as a credible quantitative basis.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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