Hospitality food waste management: evidence from luxury hotels in Vietnam

Tran Nien TuanThe University of Danang - University of Economics, VietnamTran Ho Thuong ThuongThe University of Danang - University of Economics, VietnamTran Thi Khanh LyThe University of Danang - University of Economics, Vietnam
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Tóm tắt
Despite its importance and urgency, the problem of hospitality food waste (FW) has not received much attention from academics. This paper has contributed to the field of FW by examining the FW practices employed by luxury hotels in Vietnam. 25 semi-structured interviews have been conducted with employees working in hotels in Danang and Quangnam. A qualitative thematic coding analysis was employed to identify themes. The results show that buffet leftovers were the most wasteful type, compared to preparation and plate waste. The study indicates that the prioritization of surplus food reuse and redistribution, particularly the sale of FW for animal feed, takes precedence over prevention practices. Customers were found to create more challenges than hotel employees regarding barriers to more effectively managing the FW issue. The study provides practical implications for policymakers to formulate and implement strategies aimed at enhancing the effectiveness and sustainability of FW management practices.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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