Determining the dimensions of mobile app usability in the context of Vietnam's tourism: A theoretical approach

Tran Thi Thu DungThe University of Danang - University of EconomicsLe Van HuyThe University of Danang - University of EconomicsNguyen Huu Thai ThinhUniversity of Khanh Hoa
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Tóm tắt
Nowadays, along with the popularity of mobile devices, mobile apps gradually become an essential part of users. To improve competitiveness and recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, tourism businesses need to know how to take advantage of the power of mobile technology, especially mobile apps. Therefore, this study concentrates on identifying and explaining the dimensions that comprise mobile app usability in the tourism sector. For this purpose, the authors have used a qualitative method of an in-depth interviews technique. The results indicated that there are 7 dimensions of mobile tourism app usability, including App design; App utility; Interface graphic; Interface input; Interface output; Interface structure; and App dependability. The findings have provided tourism managers with useful knowledge to improve the usability of tourism apps to attract more users.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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