The journal's article review process is a double blind review process with the following basic steps and all of them are done online:

  • Step 1: The Editorial Board receives online articles from the author through the Journal website, then checks the form and format of the article according to regulations and sends email notifications to the author about the acception or rejection of the article submission (with a reason).
  • Step 2: The article that meets the requirements in step 1 will be emailed by the Editorial Board to agree to receive and at the same time notify the funding for the article. After the article has paid the paper processing fee, the Editorial Board will transfer it to the Head of the Editorial Board to invite 2 reviewers for the article.
  • Step 3: The editor board notify the article access address and review time to the reviewer of the article via email.
  • Step 4: The Editorial Board receives the review result and sends it to the author to correct according to the reviewer's opinion or reserve the opinion and submit explanations about all the comments raised by the reviewers (corrections edit and reserve) to the Editorial Board; This process can be repeated many times until 2 reviewers agree.
  • Step 5: Review process completed, the Editorial Board conducts plagiarism check and send the result to the Editor-in-Chief to consider and decide whether to accept to the next step. If Editor-in-Chief accept for submission, go to step 6, if you do not accept, the Editor will send notice to the author and state the specific reason.
  • Step 6. Conduct an English test: title and summary for the Vietnamese article; all articles for English articles.
  • Step 7: The Editorial Board proceeds to format and re-edit the article. During the editing process, the Editorial Board may contact the author to request to revise the form of figures, tables ... (if necessary) and submit it to the Editor-in-Chief for final decision.
  • Step 8: The articles approved by the Editor-in-Chief will be posted on the website in the form of accepted articles, pending publication. Before finalizing publication contens, the Editorial Board will send the article content information to the author for the final verification.
  • Step 9: Publication.