Customer behavior when experiencing smart retail technology: a conceptual framework

Le Thi Bich NgocThe University of Danang - University of Ecnonomics, Danang, VietnamNguyen Thi Bich ThuyThe University of Danang - University of Ecnonomics, Danang, VietnamNguyen Phuc NguyenThe University of Danang - University of Ecnonomics, Danang, Vietnam
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Tóm tắt
Due to the rapid growth of Smart Retail Technology (SRT) in the digital age, the retail industry has transformed how it engages with customers and manages daily operations. This research utilizes the Value-Based Adoption Model to investigate the mechanism that may affect to customer loyalty to retail stores and electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) behavior following their experience with SRT, focusing on customers' value-oriented perspectives that may not have received adequate attention in previous studies. Based on the literature review, this study identifies five factors affecting the perceived value of a customer and, consequently, his/her loyalty behavior. It also proposes the research framework to analyze customer behavior when experiencing smart retail technology.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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